Coupon Lingo

Coupon Lingo can seem like a foreign language to someone just starting out. Here's a list of interpretations so your head doesn't fall off while you're trying to figure out scenarios. I would become familiar with these so that it becomes second nature to just know what the lingo means. If you see one somewhere and it's not listed here, shoot me an e-mail and ask!

These are the most common ones you'll see on scenarios and price match-ups.
OOP = out of pocket
MM = money maker
VV = Video Value coupon
SS = Smartsource insert
PG = Proctor & Gamble insert
GM = General Mills insert
RP = Red Plum insert
PGe = Proctor & Gamble e-coupons
SC = Shortcuts e-coupons
CF = Cellfire e-coupons
Blinkie = these are usually found in those little red boxes near products and they spit out little coupons
GC = gift card
Hang tag / wine tag = coupon found hanging around the necks of things like olive oil, 2 liter soda, ect.
IP = internet printable
MIR = mail in rebate
MQ = manufacturer coupon
Peelie - these are usually found as a sticker on the product
Tear Pad = found in tablets nearby products
Q = coupon
SW = Safeway
RA = Rite Aid
WM = Walmart
AY = All You magazine
DND = do not double
Exp. = Expiration Date
OYNO = on your next order
WYB = when you buy
YMMV = your manager may vary (some managers might give you the deal, while others may not)
BOGO = buy one get one
FREE = interpretation needed here! LOL!

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